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We put Canadian Spanish Speaking Youth on the track of academic success as the first step to continue into post-secondary education.

Who We Are

We love to Teach and love to Learn!

T2L holds tutoring workshops for Spanish-speaking students and workshops for parents. We organize events and activities to develop confidence and academic success in students, establishing networks to help students learn.


We concentrate our efforts in creating and imparting support programs for our Spanish speaking Children, Youth and Parents 

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Become a Tutor

Ponemos a los jóvenes canadienses de habla hispana en el camino del éxito académico como el primer paso para continuar en la educación postsecundaria.

Start your tutoring journey today!

¡Gracias por su participación en
la charla sobre antiracismo!

Thank you for your participation in the talk about antiracism!

On June 18th, 2020, Teach2Learn hosted a conversation webinar on the subject of race and talking to children about racism. Facilitated by Alexandra Arraiz Matute, Matias De Dovitiis and Marycarmen Lara Villanueva, the dialogue addressed some of the recent racial uprisings, both in USA and Canada. As the panel was geared towards the Latinx community, racism and anti-Blackness within our own communities were also discussed. The panelists provided some ideas on how to talk about race and how to raise anti-racist children. We hope this becomes the beginning of a broader and ongoing conversation about racism and the important role parents play in achieving racial justice.

El 18 de Junio, de 2020 Teach2Learn patrocino una charla webinar sobre la raza y como hablar con las hijas/hijos sobre racismo. Moderada por Alexandra Arraiz Matute, Matias De Dovitiis and Marycarmen Lara Villanueva, el dialogo abordo el tema de las recientes protestas en EEUU y Canadá. Ya que el panel estaba dirigido ha familias en la comunidad Latinx, el racismo y el racismo anti-Negro dentro de nuestras comunidades también se discutió. Las/el panelistas compartieron algunas ideas sobre como hablar de raza y como educar hijas/hijos anti-racistas. Esperamos que esta charla se convierta en el primer paso en una conversación continua sobre racismo y el importante rol que juegan las madres/padres en lograr alcanzar la justicia racial.

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